2.3 Holdout Method


The holdout method is the simplest form of cross-validation. For this method, the test data is “held out” and not used during training. With this method, you need to determine what proportion of the data is for training and what proportion is for testing. It is common practice to have 60-80% of the data go towards training the model and the remainder go towards testing the model. Holdout validation avoids the overlap between training data and test data, and therefore gives a more accurate estimate of the performance of the algorithm. (Tang, 2008) The downside is that this procedure is that the results are highly dependent on the choice for the training/test split. (Tang, 2008) According to Baron, although the holdout method is independent of the data and is computationally efficient, small datasets can result in high performance variance. (Baron, 2021)


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2.4 Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation


Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) is a special case of k-fold cross-validation where k equals the number of observations in the data. In other words, in each iteration all the data except for a single observation are used for training and the model is tested on that single observation. Computationally, this can be an expensive procedure to perform so it is more widely used on small datasets. (Tang, 2008)


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2.5 Leave-P-Out Cross-Validation


Leave-p-out cross-validation (LpOCV) is a method in which p number of data points are taken out from the total number of data samples represented by n. The model is trained on n-p data points and later tested on p data points. The same process is repeated for all possible combinations of p from the original sample. Finally, the results of each iteration are averaged to attain the cross-validation accuracy. (Tang, 2008) Unfortunately, this approach can make the validating process very time consuming in larger data sets. It may also not be random enough to get a true picture of the model’s efficiency. (Baron, 2021)


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2.6 Monte Carlo Cross-Validation


Monte Carlo cross-validation creates multiple random splits of the data into training and testing sets. For each split, the model is fit to the training data, and predictive accuracy is assessed using the testing data. The results are then averaged over the splits. The disadvantage of this method is that some observations may never be selected in the testing subsample, whereas others may overlap, i.e., be selected more than once. (Lever 2016)


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